Frequently Asked Questions

Where is your clinic located?

Maritime Physical Therapy is located in Manomet Square in Manomet, a village of Plymouth, Mass. right on Route 3A.

To find our clinic, enter Manomet Square and turn left from Route 3A. We are located in between the Dollar Tree and the Santander ATM.

Our physical address is:

715 State Road

Plymouth, MA 02360

Do you accept insurance?

Yes, we take insurance.

Can you help me with [your issue here]?

We have extensive knowledge in spinal manipulation, manual therapy, and joint mobilization techniques and can treat a range of ailments.

Some common issues we treat are:

  • Neck, shoulder, and back pain or limited mobility

  • Knee and hip pain or limited mobility

  • Limited ability with resistance or under loads

  • Therapy following surgery